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Min/Max: 50 / 999999 Lifetime: 732 days
Withdraw: Manual Monitored: 732 days
Ref: 3% - 1% Support E-mail
PerfectMoney Bitcoin ePayCore Litecoin Ethereum Dash Tron TRC20-USDT Dogecoin BitcoinCash Ripple
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0.24% - 0.50% daily for 30 - 360 days (deposit returned)

SafeAssets is a cryptocurrency investment company that contributes to the adoption and management of Decentralized Finance. Our mission is to make crypto investments accessible to everyone. Whether you are a rookie investor, crypto enthusiast, or an experienced investor looking to be part of a financial revolution — we’ve got you covered. MoreSafeAssets.com is the online platform of the Urbi et Orbi LTD company, a leading provider and manager of crypto and DeFi investment products. The launch of the platform SafeAssets.com is an important step in the development of the company.To start investing, you need to sign up on our platform, choose a suitable investment plan and place a deposit through one of the payment systems on the site. Our team will take care of the most difficult part of investing – portfolio diversification, strategies and risks to save you from these difficulties and help you save time. You are guaranteed to receive a high investment return. Can I get a higher return by investing in DeFi projects directly? Yes, you can try to earn more by investing on your own. We periodically post promising coins in our social media. Some of these coins can increase the price more than tenfold. Subscribe to our official channels to keep abreast of the latest developments and quickly recognize upcoming opportunities. Do I need to provide ID documents?

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